#10 “Grove” by Haitao Zeng
I know this may sound stupid, but think of it as an experiment: take 30 minutes to go sit on a museum bench, in front of your favorite piece, and watch the people who walk in front of it. This is a good way to induce culture shock, even after you’ve grown numb: you’ll be amazed at the sheer variety, all walks of life drawn together for against the backdrop of your favorite art. As a “foreigner,” who has lived in New York for the last 5 years, culture shock has been my constant state. I hope this playlist shocks your system a bit, and that maybe you’ll listen to it while performing my experiment.
Haitao Zeng (@haitaoc) is a filmmmaker/photographer, he grew up in Guangdong, China and currently calls Brooklyn home.
Haitao Recommends:
Pork bun from Mei Lai Wah
Deodorant spray from Aesop
House by Nobuhiko Obayashi 1977