#28. "Anemoia" by Abigail Pabst #27. "Watermelon Knife" by Mason Wilkes #26. "Humidity" by Gunnar Nagle #25. "Yellow Ladybug" by Jiami Lee #24: "Romantic Fatalism" by Sam Dennis #23. "Sea, Swallow Me" by Laura Kung #22. "Paradox" by Marco Neves #21. "Bee Gees for the E.T.s" by Hank Woodard #20. "Double Eagle" by Kelby Singhaus #19. "Horror Halloween" by Leo Wrighton #18. "Along the Way" by Joseph Macario #17. "Everything and Nothing" by Amy Zou #16. "For Musing" by Rebecca Liptay #15. “Close to the Knives“ by Cami Stanley #14. "Laramie Valley" by Matt Radosevich #13. "The Ballad of D.K. Cook" by Jordan A. Gillis #12. "The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly" by Josh Humphries #11. "Ocean" by Nicole Teckchandani #10. "Grove" by Haitao Zeng #9. "Portrait" by Olivia Paxton #8. "Enjoy the Ride" by Dustin Paik #7. "Silent Summer" by Bryan Anton #6. "Anatomy of a Symphony" by Jenna Huskisson #5. "Letter to a Wildflower" by Ewan McPhee #4. "Ritual Hand Cleansing" by Daniel Dickinson #3. "Bittersweet on Bostwick Lane" by Ashleigh Coulter #2. "Back Roads" by Ben Demars #1: "Vacation Scenes" by Cole Borgstadt