#17 “Everything and Nothing“ by Amy Zou
This playlist is meant to calm and motivate the spirit in moments of solitude; it is also a gentle reminder: use your precious time to create, expand, grow, and act. The playlist’s flow mimics the arc of human life, starting with musings of everyday human troubles and ending with “I’m God” and “Expanding Electricity”.
The photo is from Tetsumi Kudo’s exhibit titled “Cultivation of Nature - People Who are Looking at It”. His art explores the human experience, the proliferation of mass consumption & technology. His work is grounded in the necessity of metamorphosis: mankind’s need for both personal and collective spiritual evolution. This piece is jarring & literal in our obsession with ourselves - in the eyeballs lining the bucket and the reflective mirror staring back. Beyond all the “eye” puns I can make, this image inspires me to remember that while individualism is a charade, individual action and creation is where change starts.
Amy Zou (@amykzou) is a singer-songwriter, musician, and artist based in Brooklyn NY. In middle school, both her YMCA basketball coach and mom stormed out in the middle of the game, cementing her career as not-a-basketball player.
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Shameless plug: website & spotify
Death algorithms & other digital dilemmas
Pabellón Criollo at Caracas Arepas Bar (don't skimp on the sauce)