#21 “The Bee Gees for the E.T.s“ by Hank Woodard
There’s a reason we beam music into space. If anyone’s out there, it’ll be a nice introduction to us. Best to get off on the right foot. They’ll think, “Oooh these earthlings sound lovely! Look at what they’ve created. How beautiful! We need to pay them a visit sometime.” Boy, are they in for it, if they do. But we’ll let them figure that out on their own.
It’s a short list, the good things we’ve done, and music tops it. Some English good-for-something writer once said that “All art aspires to the condition of music.” I agree. And we, as people, aspire to all art.
So, these are some of the songs I aspire to. And this playlist is for the aliens. I hope they like it.
Hank Woodard (@hankwoodard) is currently watching a division III college soccer game because there’s nothing else on TV, but still couldn’t be bothered to describe himself.
Hank Recommends:
Drinking lighter fluid
Doing something about that mess you call a haircut
Throat punching people who clap when the plane lands