#8 “Enjoy the Ride” by Dustin Paik
Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. While it's easy to hurry back into the lives we left, or borrow problems from tomorrow, dialing into the present demands sustained effort. There are many days, when I feel like I've been stagnant, but when I think back, I see that the times I persevered that prove otherwise. Take a look at how far you've come, you've survived until now right?
Growth is necessarily uncomfortable, but there is no rule that says you can’t learn to enjoy that discomfort. When I produce house music, I try to create this dichotomy, between comfort and discomfort, by drawing tension from vocals, while infusing energy with bass lines. When you do find that stillness in the present moment, when you’re in the pocket, between comfort and discomfort, try to feel grateful, because that's where the fun begins.
Dustin Paik (@dustinpaik) is a student and music producer from New York City. In his free time he enjoys running, swimming, yoga and eating street tacos.
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