#11 “Ocean” by Nicole Teckchandani
The photo I chose was taken by George Kuo-Wei Kao; I chose it because this playlist is heavily inspired by my summer spent near the ocean. Sonically, these songs inhabit disparate worlds: they exist across various, genres, eras, and modes of instrumentation. Through the differences, this playlist tells a story from my summer: The contented beginnings, which give way to mid-summer torpor —when novelty gets old— leading to regret and confusion, and then the last-ditch August attempt to make it all count.
This playlist is basically a testament to my current moodiness - which I think is well presented in the image taken by Kao, a combination of beauty, desolation and light within the dark.
Nicole Teckchandani (@nicoleteck) is a 23-year-old artist manager living in NYC and working at Universal Music Group.
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